“Alina Gause astounded the numerous participants and us as organizers at the Berlin List with her coaching! She made it possible for our exhibitors to handle the pressure of the sales situation in a more playful and confident manner. It went so well and there was such enthusiastic feedback that we will continue to expand this successful experiment. We look forward to its continuation at the KÖLNER LISTE!”
Jörgen Golz, director of the BERLINER LISTE and KÖLNER LISTE art fairs

“The weekend seminar ‘The third person – managing without pandering’ was not only extremely insightful, it also expanded my awareness in the best sense of the word. Alina Gause’s open and personable manner motivated me to confront difficulties, make them visible through practical exercises, and formulate terms and goals in the theoretical part – in short: to bring structure and a broad view to the chaos and come up with truly concrete solutions. We also acted out particular situations from individual course participants through role-playing games, allowing us to draw closer to certain basic principles of ‘managing’ – which was, for that matter, loads of fun. The only drawback was that it was too short, because at the end of the rather intense weekend I would have happily taken in Alina’s remarks for a day or two longer.”
Lutz Wessel, actor

“I have a great appreciation for Alina Gause as co-adviser of my training course for systemic coaching and mindfulness in the creative process. Her sound psychological knowledge and many years of professional experience form the cornerstone of her expertise. She is solution-oriented and always meets her counterparts at eye level. But above all, her clients and colleagues benefit tremendously from her unique capacity for empathy, forthcoming nature, and good humor. ”
Mathias Riedel, education director and proprietor

“The lessons with Alina came at just the right time. She is an impartial observer, but understands both the ‘general university madness’ and the world which awaits after finishing your studies. It was easy for me to open up and talk about my fears and concerns. She helped me let go of the feeling that something was wrong with me, and all of us came away from her lessons with a lot more confidence in ourselves, along with the strength and courage to take the next steps.”
Yvonne Greitzke, musical theater performer, voiceover artist
“To be honest, I had absolutely no desire to take part in an ‘audition workshop’ shortly before completing my studies. We had no idea what to expect, we all had our sheet music and were wondering why there was no pianist. In retrospect, I am so glad that I took part, and even now, over one and a half years later, everything we learned (including about ourselves) stays with me at every audition. That Alina truly understood the actual realities of the job was key. For the first time, we encountered someone who knew what the job entailed and with whom we could share our fears, unfiltered, without any expectation of judgement. Not someone who wanted to teach us something and ‘shape’ us, but who accepted us as we were, at that moment, with all our doubts and fears – and who, nevertheless, gave us the feeling that she believed in us. Thanks to the workshop with Alina and the material she shared, I now have exercises that I can do to perform better in auditions, knowledge that enables me to break through vicious thought cycles and to confront and defuse other psychological symptoms – and most of all, I have a better handle on it all; I know that I am not too weak or too deficient as a result, that we all find ourselves in similar circumstances.”
Marion Wulf, musical theater performer

“Alina is one-of-a-kind in her personality, charisma, knowledge, and training, and I am delighted that at STARTER we can count as a member of our team someone so professionally skilled and personable. As head of the school, I can also only appreciate that Alina is very reliable, always friendly, and constructive. What one hopes for as a matter of course in working with other people, but which often complicates or hinders collaboration because it is not taken for granted, Alina brings to the table. I’m very thankful for her wonderful work with us so far and am very much looking forward to further collaboration!”
Christine Knauff, Head of STARTER drama school for film and television
This painting was created rapidly, intuitively, wildly. The result exuded calmness, prudence, inner wealth and peace. When I thought about that, I was fascinated by the contradiction. In that moment I realized the change I was and still am in and the role that you play in this process. You were and are an anchor, the eye of the tornado, always there when I got into the storm. And because you strengthened this calmness and piece in me, this painting just had to be yours. It reflects your presence and everything you achieve by that."
Andrea Conrad, visual artist
My name is Karoline Klemke. I am a psychologist, painter and author. I wouldn't have been able to pronounce this sentence so fluently until recently. That was before I met Alina Gause.
Continue here.
Karoline Klemke, psychologist, painter, author

Dear Alina,
The few hours that I had with you led me away from my “heart-mind” struggle and back to my gut instincts – through which, over the past two years, I’ve learned to listen to my heart and use my mind, newly integrating these three faculties together in my life.
You offer not just guidance and support, you are always there: with each of us. I never have the feeling of being forgotten by you, even if we haven’t been in touch for a long time. You are the first to walk through the door that all of our “ailing creative hearts” pass through – with a protective shield raised, strengthening us in the fight against the sharks, bleeding hearts, and forbidding casting couches. You hold it up, you carry our longing and desires, shining light on all our creative hearts and dreams, free from doubt and free from fear!
Katherine Brand, actress
Dear Guiding Compass,
If my aunt hadn’t found you in Für Sie magazine, I would not be treading the boards that mean the world to me today. In just two conversations, you held a mirror up to me, showing me who I could actually be: a happy artist. Whenever doubts and agonizing questions clouded my days, you were there! Always available! Always with a sensitive email or phone call!
Thank you for your gentle, attentive, decisive but never demanding voice, which has helped me to overcome obstacles and find my way.
Katrin Le Provost, opera singer